Linhof M 679cs för avancerad digital studiofotografering.

Med det här kompakta kamerasystemet kan alla avancerade fotografer fritt välja antingen analog eller digital avbildning. Digitalabakstycken för snabb fotografering eller rullfilm för klassisk fotografering. Utan komplicerade modifieringar kan fotografen byta från digital till analog avbildning. Alla vanliga digitala bakstycken och rullfilmsbakstycken i mellanformat för 6×6 till 6×9cm kan anpassas utan problem.

Linhof M 679cs är designad för att uppfylla alla krav för tillämpad fotografering. Systemet inkluderar alla styrelement för den professionella fotografen, styrning av perspektiv, kontroll av skärpeplan och exakt kontroll av bildkomponering. Enkel hantering garanteras för olika områden som produktfotografering, reklamfotografering, bilfotografering och konceptuell fotografering.

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Linhof M 679cs

Linhof M 679cs, För avancerad digital studiofotografering.


Overall camera dimensions in basic position with integrated panorama benchholder:
Length: 170 mm, width: 153 mm, height: 294 mm

Weight: approximately 4.500 g with integrated benchholder

Maximum camera extension of non-adjusted camera: 326 mm
(lens to film plane)

Minimum camera extension with wide-angle bellows:
53 mm (ab f 45 / 47 mm) with recessed lensboard
40 mm with double recessed lensboard
35 mm with 4x recessed lensboard

Indirect parallel adjustment (up/down), maximum extension:
168 mm and tilting angle of the optical bench of 30°
and tilting angle of the optical bench of 30°

Indirect vertical parallel shift (up/down) minimum extension:
38 mm and tilting angle of optical bench 30° (limitations with focal lengths of less than 47 mm)

Indirect horizontal parallel shift (lateral shift left/right): 168 mm bei maximalem Auszug

Indirect horizontal parallel shift (lateral shift left/right): 38 mm bei minimum extension (limitations with focal lengths of less than 47 mm)

Direct cropping correction lens standard, lateral shift: right – left 20 mm, vertical shift 20 mm
Direct cropping correction rear standard, ateral shift: right – left 20 mm, vertical shift 20 mm

Panorama benchholder
Tilting front 45°, rear tilting 45°
Panorama rotation 360°
lateral levelling 10° each side

Tilts of front and rear standard to optical bench: 30° each front and rear

Front standard / Rear standard
Vertical axis swing +/- 30°
Tilting around the horizontal axis front 18° / 12°
Tilting around the horizontal axis rear 12° / 18°

System Accessories M 679cs

000117    Linhof M 679cs incl. bellows, front and rear standard, with integrated benchholder with stepless lateral levelling, without lens and back
002754    Wide-angle Bellows M 679
002753    Normal Bellows M 679 (spare)
001939    Basic Compendium Lensshade M 679 incl. Filter Holder
001940    Pro Compendium M 679 incl. Filter Holder and Vignetting Mask Holder
001941    Filter Holder M 679 M105x1 and 10×10 cm
001942    Vignetting Mask Holder
003905    Format dial 6×7 M 679cs for format 6×6 – 6×8 (included in camera price M 679cs)
003906    Format dial 3×3 M 679cs
003907    Format dial 6×9 M 679cs
003908    Format dial 24×36 M 679cs
003909    Format dial 33×44 M 679cs
003910    Format dial 36×48 M 679cs
001160    Flat Lensboard M 679 size 0
001161    Flat Lensboard M 679 size 1
001173    Flat Lensboard M 679 size 3
001163    Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 0
001176    Double Recessed Lensboard M 679 size 0
001175    3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 0
001178    4x Recessed Lensboard M 67, size 0 for Apo-Digitar XL 5,6/35, Copal 0
001164    Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter
001174    Double Rec. Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter
001177    3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter
001100    Lensboard Adapter M 679 / Technika 45 lensboard
022491    Systainer M 679
022492    Systainer II M 679 for Accessories
025104    Operating Manual M 679 German
025105    Operating Manual M 679 English

System Accessories  M 679 and Techno

001698-S    M 679 Groundglass back
021833-S    Groundglass scoring 3×3*
021834-S    Groundglass scoring 6×6*
021835-S    Groundglass scoring 6×7*
021836-S    Groundglass scoring 6×8*
021842-S    Groundglass scoring 6×9*
021837-S    Groundglass scoring 24×36 / 36×63*
021838-S    Groundglass scoring 37×37 / 37×71*
021840-S    Groundglass scoring 37×37 / 37×71*
021841-S    Groundglass scoring 33×44*
021845-S    Groundglass scoring 53,9×40,4
021846-S    Groundglass scoring 56×36 / 71×56
021850-S    Groundglass scoring 49×37*
021851-S    Groundglass scoring 53,9×40,4*
021852-S    Groundglass scoring 56×36*
021849-S    Groundglass scoring 43,9×32,9*
021839    Groundglass scoring 72×88 (Anagramm)
002523    Fresnel Screen
002763-S    Basic Lighthood M 679*
002757    Magnifier Viewing System 8×8 for Basic Lighthood
002758    Bellows magnifier for M 679 and Techno
002769    Flexible shafts for M 679cs shift (2 pcs.)
001692    Polaroid Back M 679
001520    Super Rollex Rollfilm back 6×9 for M 679 and Techno
001694    M 679 Adapter for Hasselblad backs (V-System)
001696    M 679 Adapter for Mamiya RZ backs
001695    Multi Adapter for Mamiya RB, Mamiya 6×8 motor cassette, Linhof Rapid Rollex 6×7, Horseman 6×7/6×8/6×9
001697    Universal Adapter for camera adapter plates
002766-S  Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 – 37×37 / 37×71 and 37×49 / 49×71
002767-S  Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide (short)
002768-S  Stitching Slide for digital backs with live view for Linhof Techno and Linhof M679cs
001690-S  Groundglass Adapter for 002768-S
001700    Adapter plate for Hasselblad V
001701    Adapter plate for Hasselblad H
001702    Adapterplatte für Mamiya 645 AF / AFD / PhaseOne
001101    Adapter Linhof Kardan for M 679
001102    Adapter Sinar / Horseman for M 679
001103    Adapter Cambo for M 679
001104    Adapter plate for Hasselblad Finder
001105-S  Adapter plate for Acra Swiss Bino Tube on M 679*